Disparate Voices
In 2015, Spectral Sisters completed a book project, Disparte Voices, a short play anthology. Disparate Voices (Spectral Sisters Productions Short Play Anthology) contains 25 exiting original short plays (usually in a ten minute format) by local and regional writers from Central Louisiana. Topics range from the sexual orientation of Klu Klux Klan members or Tweedledee and Tweedledum, to steroid use among athletes, with lots of unexpected subjects in-between. Some of the plays will make you laugh, some make you cry, while others make you ponder the universality of the human condition. Each work was accepted and produced in the context of the Spectral Sisters Productions Ten-Minute Play Festival, a developmental theater project going on for over a decade in Alexandria, Louisiana. These short plays, very different in subject matters and writing styles, offer something for the actor, producer, educator, sociologist and, of course, the casual reader to enjoy. While the “Heart of Louisiana” may not have a reputation for progressive creativity, these works prove that remarkable creativity can be nurtured in the most surprising of locations and yield a dramatic harvest that the whole nation and the entire English-speaking world can enjoy. Please share in our inspiration! Support for Disparate Voices was received through a grant from the Louisiana Division of the Arts in cooperation with the Louisiana State Arts Council as administered by the Arts Council of Central Louisiana.